In order to provide an additional level of security, we have now added Google Auth (2FA) – set up for Clinic Instructors, Race Directors and Charity Directors. Following are illustrated instructions on using the QR code reader. If you need assistance contact out Login Support team -
To access your race director account you will need to download the Google Authenticator using following link on your mobile phone,
Iphone/iOS - Download the App
Android - Download the App
Once downloaded follow below steps,
1. Login to Running Room Site
2. You will be prompted to scan QR Code
- Open Google Authenticator App on your mobile, and Click (+) icon to add account. (If you are asked provide permission to access Camera, please click on allow)
- Scan the QR Code and It will generate 6 digit Code.
- Enter that code in Authentication code box on computer screen
- Done
Every time you login after this , you will be asked to enter Authentication code which you will find in the Google Authenticator App downloaded to your phone.
Open the App to reveal the code to enter.
Here is an example of how the code will display in the App.
Enter the code into the popup box on the login page and select confirm.
Do not use any spaces when you are entering the code.
Ensure that you are using an up to date Browser to access the site.
Tip - Setting Google Chrome is your preferred browser will ensure you do not have issues accessing the site.
If you have a phone that does not support the authenticator app you can install the the Authenticator extension to scan or manually add the QR code to access your account.