and related services have been secured against the Heartbleed flaw. You may have heard of a new security vulnerability called "Heartbleed" that was recently discovered which affects the OpenSSL framework used by many websites, including, to send data privately to the user.
At Running Room, we take data security extremely seriously – as soon as this vulnerability was announced we immediately applied the required patch to upgrade OpenSSL on all of our network devices. We maintain our own network and servers and were able to apply the patch quickly. Additionally, we have renewed our SSL certificates.
Running Room has a dedicated security team who continually monitor our platform and work to ensure that your data is always safe and secure, by following the highest industry and technology standards. You can learn more about how we protect your data in our Security Policy.
While we have no evidence that any data has been compromised, please consider resetting your Running Room login as a precautionary measure, especially if you use the same password for multiple services. Click here to reset your login.
Finally, if you have any questions please feel free to contact our Support Team who will be happy to help.