When an On-line Order is placed, a Pre-Authorization only for the amount of the order is placed on the credit card. Your credit card will not be charged until your order has shipped to you or once it is ready for pick up at your local Running Room. At the time your credit card is charged and payment is secured, the Pre-Authorization is released. The amount may show up in both places for a period of time but it is not a double charge. If you do not see the Pre-Authorization amount released, please contact your credit card company and/or Bank to confirm whey they will be releasing the funds.
A small ($0.01-1.00) Pre-Authorization amount that you may see is a standard process that the credit card companies use to ensure validation of your credit card and the order is secure, similar to when filling up at a gas station. If you made multiple attempts you may see this pre-authorization on each attempt. These pre-authorizations will not show up on your final billing and are released after 7 days.
All Running Room online orders are pre-authorized until inventory is confirmed, your credit card will not be charged until your order has shipped or is ready for instore pick up.
For more information click here