I am having trouble placing my online order?

If you are having troubles placing an order on-line please clear your cache on the web browser you are using. This is done by pressing together, Ctrl + Shift + delete and clicking delete with temporary files selected. Close down then web browser then log back in and continue placing your order.

If you are continually being rerouted back to your dashboard it is because your Member's Profile is not completely filled in or something is completed incorrectly. You need to have your address filled out including province and country, a phone number, email address, date of birth (year-month-date), and sex. If even one of these areas is not completed or not completed correctly, you will not be able to place an on-line order.

We have also just recently updated our website and have added a new feature. If you would not like to become a Member or complete all of the Member information, you are able to check out as a guest. Once you have added all of the items to your cart, click on proceed to check out, you will be brought to the sign-in page. On the left hand side, you will see "Member's Login" and on the right a box called "sign up". Below the name and email address of the "Sign In" box are two words. Please input the words in exactly as you see them and then click on "Checkout as Guest" this will sign you in as a guest and you will be able to proceed with your check out.

If you continue to experience troubles, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-419-2906 ext. 9226  Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm MST and we would be happy to assist you further.

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