Why haven't received my Virtual Gift Card I purchased?

All Gift Cards purchased on-line are Virtual Gift Cards. A "shipped" status means we have finished processing your order, your credit card has been charged and we have shipped your order to you via e-mail.

You will receive 3 emails. A confirmation e-mail, a shipment e-mail and the third e-mail t will be the Virtual Gift Card. It will contain the Barcode, Gift Card # and the CVC#. If you cannot see the Barcode you will need to click on the icon with the X in it or switch to HTML view. If you are unable to do so, all you will need is the Gift Card # and the CVC# visible in order to apply it to an on-line order or in-store purchase.

Please check your email in-box and if it is not there, check the junk mail, spam, and deleted messages. Depending on your security settings, these emails can end up in those files.

If you have still not received the Virtual Gift Card, please check your e-mail security settings and allow CustomerService@runningroom.com as a trusted address. You may also need to contact your e-mail account service provider and requested to have e-mails from CustomerService@runningroom.com be released as a trusted e-mail address.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact customer service at 1-800-419-2906 ext. 9226. Monday to Saturday 8am to 4:30pm MST. For more information click here

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