In some cases the pre-paid card may first need to be registered. There may be a sticker on the prepaid card at the time of purchase. It notes whether the card can be used for online purchases or if the card needs to be registered with Visa or MC first.
To use either a Visa or MasterCard Prepaid Gift Card for web purchases, you may first need to also visit the website listed on the back of your card to register your address.
Please ensure the balance on the card covers the total purchase price. You cannot use multiple pre-paid cards for one order.
Before using your pre-paid card for any purchase check the most up to date balance on the card as it may affect the completion of the transaction.
For assistance, please contact the card issuer by visiting their web site or calling the number printed on the back of your card.
Note: some issuers charge a fee for live-agent telephone support; if you are unsure, check the Cardholder Agreement that accompanied your Prepaid card.